Roadmap: 2030; October 25 & 26, 2011; Appel Salon of the Toronto Reference Library

Presenter – Uzma Shakir

Uzma Shakir Uzma Shakir, Director, Equity, Diversity & Human Rights, City of Toronto
Uzma speaks in Diversity, Citizenship & Canadaat 9:40am on October 25thUzma Shakir recently joined the City of Toronto, as a Director of Equity, Diversity & Human Rights. She has been a community-based researcher, advocate and an activist. She is the past Executive Director of Council of Agencies Serving South Asians (CASSA) and the South Asian Legal Clinic of Ontario (SALCO). In the last three years she has been an Atkinson Economic Justice Fellow and an Adjunct Professor, Department of Geography and Programme in Planning, University of Toronto.

Uzma received a B.A. degree from Karachi University, Pakistan; a B.A. Honors degree from Sussex University, England; a Master of Law and Diplomacy degree from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University, Boston, USA.

Her work focused on issues of race, erosion of civil liberties & critical multiculturalism. She has been an advocate; an organizer/facilitator; a writer; and a lecturer on diverse issues facing racialized communities.

• Recipient of the J. S. Woodsworth Award, 2010
• Outstanding Asian Canadian Award, 2008
• Recipient of the Jane Jacob’s Award 2003
• Steering Committee member Colour of Poverty Campaign
• Past President, Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants (OCASI)