MAP Delivers

Destinations (solutions), including:

  • Best practices – for the industry
  • Examples of accommodation – for the industry
  • Jobs – for creators with disabilities

Routes, including:

  • “How to” information – for the industry
  • “How to” information – for people with disabilities
  • Case Studies – for the industry/for people with disabilities
  • Success stories – for the industry/for people with disabilities

Media “GPS” (Global Positioning System): tools to help evaluate where you are, and where you want to go.

  • Accessibility assessments, audits – for the industry
  • Portrayal assessments – for the industry
  • Checklists – for the industry
  • Workshops – for the industry/for people with disabilities


  • Opportunities for multi-way dialogue between the broadcast/production industry, creators with disabilities, educational institutions and associations—at events and on the internet.

Building Bridges:

  • A catalyst for various sectors to come together to find solutions.

“Off the Beaten Track”:

  • Showcasing innovative ideas, both big and small. Sharing international best practices.